

What is query?
query is an anonymous questions & answers app! Share a question, and your friends can leave you anonymous answers. You can see their answers in the query app.
Are the answers real?
Every answer you receive is sent by a real person. We will never auto-generate answers!
How do I sign up?
query is available on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
How do I report abuse?
If you see an abusive question, you can report it on the question webpage by tapping on ‘Report’ and then ‘Yes.’ If you see an abusive answer, you can report it inside the app on the answer screen. Tap the ‘…’ icon and then tap on ‘Report Answer.’ The query team will investigate the reported answer and take appropriate action. You can also choose to block the user who sent the abusive answer, and delete the answer from your Answers tab.
How do I unsubscribe from query pro?
You can cancel your subscription at any time in the Settings app if you have an iPhone, or in the Google Play app if you have an Android.
How do I delete my account?
You can delete your account in the app by visiting the Settings page > My Account > Delete Account. Deleting an account is permanent and cannot be undone.